What an Inspiration!

Hey everyone and thank you so much for joining me on my blog tonight! Today I have a special fire inside me.... I found the picture attached on the Internet and my focus today is these amazing children and their families who face the battle of cancer and are robbed of their youth and happiness. I would like everyone to take a moment and just say a prayer for those battling cancer! (thank you!!!)

I saw a commercial yesterday with Jennifer Aniston and two young girls who were battling cancer and they wished to get better and have hair and Jennifer Aniston kissed one of their foreheads and said St. Jude is working on it! Ugh, brought me to tears, to think how brave these kids are to face such a fate(survival or not) they are strong and brave and we should continue to support parents with ailing children!!!

Today I was playing with my son and as we stopped to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I was thinking I'd like to write another book. You see I have already written one I just haven't published it yet. This thought started to get my mind in an unbreakable brainstorm. So I decided that I was going to write a story for children.....with cancer!!!

I have a plan to really make a spark inside their hearts, I want them to believe in themselves without a doubt! I am trying to figure out a way to publish ASAP! I need to call for help on illustrations but right now I'm very pleased with my first draft. I don't even think I will need revisions. I literally wrote it in 30minutes! I will however need it edited because I am not so good with punctuation and grammar! LOL.

My experience with cancer stems from my Nanny's(grandmother) twin sister she died from cancer when I was about 12 and I helped take care of her during my 6th grade spring break in Pennsylvania. (God bless you Aunt Becky). There was also a more recent experience when my father Thomas had a horrible and scary battle with cancer just a couple of years ago, he was very ill and we were afraid the cancer would take yet another life, but thank God my dad is alive and well and he has won his fight with cancer! God bless you dad we love you!!

WELL IF YOU HAVE A STORY OF CANCER please feel free to email me or comment below, I'd love to hear your stories.....you all inspire me!! Lots of love!!!
AS ALWAYS Stay Blessed and Inspired.....xoxoxo



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