Time flies.......even when you're not having that much fun!

Hey everyone welcome back to my blog! I'm happy to report that the apple of my eye had me up at 3:30am to play and watch tv and he made me hold his cup of puffs while he rocked back on the sofa lol that little boy is something else but I think he's just adjusting to being without his pacifier this is officially day three (even though my parents gave it to him during nap time) but it was my fault I forgot to tell them :-)
Today was a long day but thank God for coffee because it saved my butt today. I left work, picked up my son then I was off to the supermarket. I have to make a salad and a veggie tray to bring to my moms house for Thanksgiving. I really enjoy shopping especially when I have coupons. If you are not an extreme couponer you should really at least give it a try, it's amazing how many things people can get for little or nothing with coupons!!!!! Have you seen those extreme couponing shows? It's so much fun but its truly hard work. I've got a little stock pile of my own(thanks to my sister in law for showing me the ropes).  Check out www.krazycouponlady.com if you want to try!

Today I sold two copies of my book Speak Your heart today and that means more money towards a family or so in need this holiday season! And speaking of my book I am also going to start writing for others, so if there is ever an occasion you need personalized poetry or a speech or even wedding vows...I'm your girl. I'll post a copy of my new business cards that I made I just received them in today! If any of you are looking for a good read please check out my cousin Bonita Mariano she has written Part one of her three series novelette "The Panama Girl" and her second book (Part 2) is ready for review so please visit https://www.createspace.com/pub/community/give.review.do?id=1098470 
Giver her a LIKE and a book preview review it would mean a lot! Thanks everyone 
and as always stay blessed and inspired! 
Xoxo Deanna


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