Inspire, teach and preach... Love

Hey everyone! First lets take a moment to pay our respects to those who have passed away recently, may God keep you, and bless your loved ones with strength, love and peace. (A Special RIP today to  Nelson Mandela).

Thank you al so very much for reading my blog! Since I haven't received any special requests yet for topics I will talk today about inspiration and love. There's many things in life that can inspire something in each of us. For me personally I think a huge inspiration is lyrics...poetry. I just find something so powerful in what you can say and how things can be put in such a way that can literally be said in different ways to persuade a reaction. Take that age old adage "you can get more with honey than with vinegar"... My cousin Pauline is one person that I always remember saying this lol. But truth be told is is exactly right. You can say the harshest of things but if your words are not malicious I think that it makes all of the difference. I always try to say things in honesty and "bluntness"but most importantly I try to be kind. We can all have our mean moments but I just feel that we can all inspire things in each other if we just try to be a little more humble, respectful, loving and most of all compassionate towards one another. 

There are so many things in life that can deter us from seeing the good but I promise you, if you just open your hearts and change your point of view the reasons to spread love are vast! I don't know if you have ever done this but sometimes I take a thought, just something simple and next thing I know it snowballs into a full on daydream in my mind. It usually starts with a song, or seeing something throughout the day that just triggers deeper understanding of a person or emotion. Maybe this is a little deep for just one blog post but I challenge you... I challenge you to take a moment each day and look at a situation from another perspective, a moment where you may want to let go or walk away or yell and scream at someone. Just step back and try a little compassion or change the situation around and see if you can turn a negative into a positive. Let that woman who is carrying her child and a handful of groceries go ahead of you, hold that door open to let that little elderly couple take their time walking into the store, give that grumpy impatient person a kind word to change their mood. Use your heart instead of your quick judgement, because you never know what someone else is going through at a glance, but you may end up changing more than their mood, you may just end up letting more love into both of your lives. Smile more and inspire love. 

We aren't preprogrammed to be impatient or hateful, this is something we learn so let's teach love, preach love and most importantly let's LOVE MORE. Love has a more profound impact and it can spread quickly. So will you take the challenge? Email me, comment below or Facebook me your stories! 
TWITTER @SpeakYour_Heart

I can't wait to hear your stories and topic requests xoxo

As always Stay Blessed and Inspired xoxo

Love Always 

Deanna M Julbe


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