Family really does matter...

Hey everyone, first I'd like to take a moment and reflect love and blessings to those who have passed away recently, to your friends and family God Bless you with strength, peace and love.

Thank you all for joining me on my blog, this post is technically for yesterday but I've been cooking and baking and just really enjoying family today. This is why my post is at 2am lol.  I'd like to try and bring us all closer tonight, bring your hearts into a thought that is near and dear to my own heart... I always try to bring everything back to what really matters in my life and that is FAMILY. Now family has come to have a bigger and deeper definition in my life. I have family which is blood and we are close, super tight and even the ones who live a little too far, they are still my family. Their distance makes their importance in my life more relevant. It's funny (not literally) how when you have family close we can tend to take that for granted. But one thing my hubby always laughs at me about is the number of times I will tell my family "I love you" before hanging up the phone or leaving their side. Now back to distant family, I try to always make my love known either by calling, texting or just by little "LIKES" or posts on Facebook. I love that no matter how long it may be that my family may not see one another we always jump right back into the swing of things when we are at the "cousins club Christmas party." This is a party that my Aunt ann and Uncle Harry so graciously host each year to remind us all that no matter how long, no matter how far, life all comes down to family first. I truly enjoy this time of year with my whole entire heart. I love seeing the generations together in one room laughing, making jokes (mostly about one another) playing and just enjoying each others company. I think we need a few more cousins club ideas to get us all together just a little bit more. 

Family is not only blood, not only marriage but also friendships, brotherhoods, sisterhoods that can bond even the most opposite ends of the world. I have a friend a best friend...a SISTER... Vanessa. Vanessa and I have been best friends for over 22years. I have another best friend....a SISTER... Jasmine. Jasmine has been in my life for over 23 years. These remarkable women are also friends for well over 20years. We have been through so many things together and have really been blessed to have the bond that we do. This is definitely a family... A sisterhood. I love you ladies!!!

 I can't express my love enough to my family and friends and I know that in my lifetime they will never grasp just how much they all mean to me, but I will make it my business to try harder each day! So this I say to you all tonight... No matter what you go through in life, no matter how crazy, busy, hectic or full your plate may be... There should always be time in some way shape or form for family. Try to open your mind and think of ways to bring your family closer. Let them know just one extra time that you are thinking of them... I am sure you will love the outcomes. I love you all and to my family, blood or not.... If I see you everyday... I LOVE YOU. if I see you once a month...I LOVE YOU. If I never see you at me or I'll call you just to remind you that... I LOVE YOU!

I pray for love and blessings to come to the lives of each of you. And just incase you forget.... ALWAYS STAY BLESSED AND INSPIRED!!!!!

Love always

Deanna M Julbe

Ps: to my son and hubby thank you both for loving me more and more everyday!


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