Special Happy Birthday!!

Hey everyone first lets start off by taking a moment to remember those who have recently passed away and ask God to send the family and friends strength, love and peace. Thank you all very much for checking out my blog! Today's post is to give a huge shout out to my beautiful niece Asia and my sweet sister in law Jennifer today (meaning December 11thmeven though I am posting this after midnight, my sincere apologies) is both of their birthdays!!! To my dear niece Asia, I truly pray for nothing but love and blessings to come your way, you will never know just how much you mean to me! I love you, you have so much potential never sell yourself short. Life will give you what you put into it, you are young and and smart and blessed with beauty inside and out. Remember that you can do anything you set your heart and mind to with hard work, dedication and determination. I am very lucky to have you in my family and hope we can start seeing more of eachother, you all mean so much to ...