Let me know!

Hey everyone first lets start off by taking a moment to remember those who have recently passed away and ask God to send the family and friends strength, love and peace.

From time to time I find inspiration come to me to write on many emotions, some not even my own. So I like to see where you, the reader see things going in my writing. As if you read my poetry line by line and foreshadow the ending. I would love to know where you see the poem below going so here it is. The start of a poem.... Tell me which way it should go and/or what you think it could turn into...

A firm grip I need to keep or God knows I'll fall fast.

All in a moments time I see my life fly past.

I hold on to this breath inside as it seems to hurt so good.

The pleasure and pain inside is so misunderstood.

©Deanna M Julbe 4/2014

PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK to my email deanna.julbe@gmail.com or comment in my blog comments I will continue with alternate endings depending on the way you see this poem developing!

Love and blessings!

As always stay Blessed and Inspired

Love always

-Deanna M Julbe


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