Hello everyone! First Id like to take a moment to say a prayer for those who have lost their lives may God bless your families and loved ones with love, strength and Peace. Thank you for following my blog post today. I feel a very special message to give today and I pray you are all listening. THIS IS ME!!!. . . I am not a best selling author, or a movie star. I do not have a large bank account or a fancy car. BUT I am truly RICHER than I ever thought I could be... Because I am determined to believe these words by Helen Keller "I am only one, but still, I am ONE. I cannot do everything, but still, I CAN DO SOMETHING. And because I cannot do everything, I will NOT refuse to do something that I CAN DO!" We can all learn from this and start making the changes in our lives BIG OR SMALL that will DO SOMETHING! I AM DETERMINED TO MAKE MY MARK ON THIS GENERATION!!! I am hoping that you are still reading and you are willing to pledge to live by those words in s...